Monday 7 June 2010

Den Sinn fuer die Realitaet verloren

Die englischsprachige The Guardian schreibt ueber das geschmackslose Propaganda-Video - ein 'Remake' von We are the world von Michael Jackson -, welches von der israelischen Regierung an Journalisten in aller Welt verteilt wurde. Es wurde innerhalb kuerzester Zeit mit einer Entschuldigung wieder zurueckgezogen, nachdem man erkannt hatte, dass der Rest der Welt darueber nicht lachen konnte. 

Daran erkennt man deutlich, wie realitaetsfremd die israelische Regierung inzwischen geworden ist. Entweder weiss sie die Stimmung ausserhalb ihrer Grenzen nicht einzuschaetzen, oder es ist ihnen einfach egal. In dem besagten Video machen sich eine Gruppe angeblicher Komoedianten in rassistischer und menschenverachtender Weise ueber die Bewohner von Gaza, und die Opfer des Angriffes auf die Flotilla lustig.  Hier sind einige Auszuege aus dem Guardian-Artikel:
The Israeli government has been forced to apologise for circulating aspoof video mocking activists aboard the Gaza flotilla, nine of who were shot dead by Israeli forces last week.[...]
[...]The Israeli government press office distributed the video link to foreign journalists at the weekend, but within hours emailed them an apology, saying it had been an error. Press office director Danny Seaman said the video did not reflect official state opinion, but in his personal capacity he thought it was "fantastic".
Government spokesman Mark Regev said the video reflected how Israelis felt about the incident. "I called my kids in to watch it because I thought it was funny," he said. "It is what Israelis feel. But the government has nothing to do with it."[...]
[...]The clip has been praised in Israel, where the mass-circulation daily Yediot Aharonot said the singers "defended Israel better than any of the experts".
But Didi Remez, an Israeli who runs the liberal-left news analysis blog Coteret, said the clip was "repulsive" and reflected how out of touch Israeli opinion was with the rest of the world. "It shows a complete lack of understanding of how the incident is being perceived abroad," he said. [...]
[...] similar press office email was sent to foreign journalists two weeks ago, recommending a gourmet restaurant and Olympic-sized swimming pool in Gaza to highlight Israel's claim there is no humanitarian crisis there. Journalists who complained the email was in poor taste were told they had "no sense of humour". [...]
Das Kartenhaus der Misinformation und Luegen der israelischen Behoerden bricht langsam zusammen:
[...] Last week, the Israel Defence Force had to issue a retraction over an audio clip it had claimed was a conversation between Israeli naval officials and people on the Mavi Marmara, in which an activist told soldiers to "go back to Auschwitz". The clip was carried by Israeli and international press, but today the army released a "clarification/correction", explaining that it had edited the footage and that it was not clear who had made the comments.
The Israeli army also backed down last week from an earlier claim that soldiers were attacked by al-Qaida "mercenaries" aboard the Gaza flotilla. An article appearing on the IDF spokesperson's website with the headline: "Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be al-Qaida mercenaries", was later changed to "Attackers of the IDF Soldiers found without identification papers," with the information about al-Qaida removed from the main article. An army spokesperson told the Guardian there was no evidence proving such a link to the terror organisation.[...]
Inzwischen sind auch Fotos im Umlauf die zeigen, wie die Besatzung des Schiffes verletze israelische Soldaten versorgt (siehe unten). Zuvor hatte Premierminister Netanjahu die Flotilla noch als ein 'Schiff des Hasses' bezeichnet. Man bedenke, dass die israelischen Soldaten den Journalisten und den Passagieren an Bord saemtliche Aufzeichnungsgeraete abgenommen haben (Kameras, Handy's etc.). Bisher hat Israel nur ihre eigenen Aufnahmen veroeffentlicht und es so manipuliert, dass es ihrem Zweck dient.