Wednesday 19 May 2010

Die Jagdsaison auf Burka-Traegerinnen ist offiziell eroeffnet

Frankreich hat jetzt den ersten Fall, wo handgreiflich versucht wurde, einer Frau den Gesichtsschleier vom Kopf zu reissen. TimesOnline berichtet:
France had its first case of “burka rage” at the weekend when a shopper allegedly tried to pull the veil from the face of a Muslim woman and the resulting scuffle turned violent.
The Muslim woman, named only as Élodie, told reporters that she had been leaving a shoe store in Trignac, near St Nazaire, when two passers-by, apparently mother and daughter, made derogatory remarks before telling her: “Go back to your own country.”
The mother, a lawyer, allegedly tried to tear off the niqab worn by Élodie — at which point the two began trading slaps before being separated by shop assistants, Élodie said.
“Things got nasty,” she added. “The older woman grabbed my veil to the point of ripping it off.”
Police detained all three, with both sides later pressing charges.
The incident reflects the emotional mood in France since full Muslim veils became the centre of a national debate and the Sarkozy Government moved to ban them. The law is expected to come into force by the autumn. Some religious leaders have accused the Government of inciting anti-Muslim sentiment with their campaign.
The Telegraph gibt noch mehr Details:
[...]At one point the lawyer, who was out with her daughter, is said to have likened the Muslim woman to Belphegor, a horror demon character well known to French TV viewers. Belphegor (siehe Foto) is said to haunt the Louvre museum in Paris and frequently covers up his hideous features using a mask.[...]
Ich bin kein Fan von der Burka (siehe hier), aber ich finde diese Verbots-Diskussionen ueberfluessig. Ich bin auch nicht sonderlich darueber ueberrascht, dass es zu so einem Uebergriff gekommen ist. Ich denke sogar, dass es sich in der Zukunft vermehren wird. Dank dem Media-Hype und die Diskussionen um die paar Burka-Traegerinnen in Europa fuehlen sich normale Menschen nun mehr und mehr ermutigt, etwas zu unternehmen. Die Stimmung erinnert mich ein bissl an die 'Asylanten'- und Das-Boot-is-voll Debatte in den 90ern.